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Chef Taheri
If you want to succeed in the culinary industry, like any other industry, you will need a good education.Plenty of us enjoy cooking, but few take it to the professional level.
Frequently Asked Questions
Most frequent questions and answers
How do you keep pasta from clumping?
make sure you’re boiling it in plenty of salted water in a large enough pot. Don’t overcook. (Pasta should be al dente, or still slightly firm). Do not rinse after boiling unless you’re using it in a cold dish. If you’re not otherwise saucing it, toss with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
How do you keep herbs fresh?
To keep leafy herbs fresher longer, treat them like cut flowers. Trim the stems, submerge stems (or roots, if the plant is still living) in an inch or two of water in a glass or jar, cover loosely with a plastic baggie, and store in the refrigerator (exception: basil should be kept at room temperature—meaning out of the fridge but not next to your stove). Change the water every few days.
How do you keep from crying when cutting onions?
The sharper your knife, the less you cry.” Onions sting your eyes because, when you cut them, you rupture cells, leading to a chemical reaction that produces acidic gases that trigger your reflexive tear response. Sharper knives rupture fewer cells, hence less crying. Other strategies include freezing the onion first, cutting it under cold running water, burning a candle nearby, wearing goggles, and my personal favorite, making someone else do it.
How do you know if eggs are fresh?
A fresh egg will feel heavy and sink to the bottom of a bowl of water, lying on its long side. A less fresh egg will stand on end in the bowl of water. A bad egg will float. When in doubt, use your eyes and your nose; a rotten egg is pretty hard to miss. One side note: older eggs are actually better for soufflés than farm-fresh.
Is there an easy way to peel garlic?
mash it against a cutting board using the flat side of a large chef’s knife and the heel of your hand. Don’t be shy. Give it a good whack. Then slide or peel the papery skin off and smash again before mincing.
What’s the best way to measure dry ingredients?
Wars have been fought over the best way to measure dry ingredients (and the hardcore get around it by weighing their ingredients rather than measuring by volume). The bakers I know prefer the spooning method (using a separate cup or spoon to shovel flour into the measuring cup) to the pouring method or the scooping method. Do not pack the ingredient down. Level with the flat edge of a knife.
If you’re just getting started in the kitchen, you may feel overwhelmed or intimidated, but remember that cooking is like anything else: The more you practice, the better you will become. Feel like you’re too far behind to ever catch up? It’s never too late to tie on that apron and learn how to whip up a chunky flavorful soup or cheesy baked enchiladas.
Mahdi Taheri
Executive chef